Dinosaur Series 5 card - Backside view

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Email From John Rigg

What the founder of Redco and former President of Red Rose Canada has to say...

After I voiced my feelings about Redco and their denial of tea card history, John Rigg contacted me. Below is the feedback he gave me. Thank you John Rigg. I appreciate your insight...


Just a brief comment concerning the history of Redco.

It was founded by John Edwards (former President of Brooke Bond in the US) and John Rigg (former President of Brooke Bond , Canada) and commenced business in November, 1988 in Hauppauge, New York. Salada Foods was acquired in June 1988 in both the US and Canada.

Tragically, John Edwards died one month later and John Rigg became sole owner. The Canadian Salada business was sold to Unilever (Canada) in 1990 and the Redco US business to Teekanne GmbH in 1995.


John Rigg

P.S. So sorry that you did not receive a prompt and proper response to your enquiries concerning the picture cards. My own recollection is that they were discontinued in the US in the mid 70's but they continued in Canada for some time after the US and were discontinued approximately 1978.


Last modified: July 11, 2016

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