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Signs and Push Bars

Red Rose Signs

OK, there really is nothing new about tin signs. Red Rose doesn't capture the market on tin, but it has put out it's share of simple yet brightly colored signs. I have no clue other than a guess as to which sign came out first but I'll take anyone's advice that might have more insight.  

Older Signs

I am guessing the whole group came out in the 40's. Maybe some of them are from the 50's.

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Estabrooks Sign Red Rose "side" sign Packaged in Aluminum Vertical Sign or Push Bar
An old Estabrooks Sign This "3D" effect sign mounted on the side of a building  This one says that it is packaged in aluminum, Yummy! OK, is this a vertical sign or a push bar?



Newer Tea Signs 

Again, I am unsure but I assume these are from the 60's. Whadda you think?

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Often Repeated Sign Packaged in Aluminum Red Rose Tea Is Good Tea This one talks about tea cards!
Often Repeated! Aluminum packaging rocks!  Red Rose Tea IS Good Tea! 1 It talks about Tea Cards, way Cool!



Coffee and French Signs

I believe the yellow and orange signs are older than the blue green signs. I think the blue greens come from the 60's, what do you think?

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sign_rrcoffee.jpg sign_coffee2.jpg sign_rrcoffee2.jpg sign_french.jpg sign_french2.jpg
Red Rose wasn't just about tea... ... the coffee was good too!  ... this coffee looks old... 2 Don't forget the French speaking population of Canada... ...that would be  a BIG mistake if you did!


Red Rose Tea Tin Sign

1 - Thanks to Darlene and Shawn MacDonald for sharing a pic of their Good Tea sign. It's got character.
2 - Thanks to Darlene and Shawn MacDonald for sharing a pic of their Coffee sign. Way cool!


Red Rose Push Bars

What is a push bar? It's the metal bar across the center of a door in a small grocery store that is used to push it open (usually to exit the store.)  Many companies promoted themselves on these push bars. I recall many bye-gone soda brands that have graced the push bars of my childhood memories. What do you remember?   

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Two Push Bars
Two types of Push Bars

 Last modified: September 18, 2020


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