There are lots of questions about these tea cards, at least in my mind. This page shows you what some cards from different series
look like. There is another page that has even more cards. Then there's even a section on
cards in a card collage format. And there is another page that allows you to dial up a
series and get a listing of the cards in that series. Finally there is a new
page that talks about the different variations of the first series and which came first
in that series.
OK, there has been a lot of talk about these tea cards from Red Rose. So what do they look like? The Tea Cards
below are displayed front and back in the same shot. The back of the cards typically give an English and French
(older cards are all English) description of the subject matter. The cards are 1½" across and 2¾" high (3.8cm
x 7cm).
Series 5 Dinosaurs
These images have been reduced to a thumbnail to save you time in loading them. Click the
thumbnail to see the actual full size image. Once the large one has been viewed, click "Back" on your browser to
return to this page.



Card #4 (Seymouria)
Card #6 (Archelon)
Card 18 ( Brachiosaurus)
These are the most popular series of all the Red Rose tea cards. I base this on personal experience and the price they command.
Hey, they bring out the kid in me!
Series 10 Transportation...
These images have been reduced to a thumbnail to save you time in loading them. Click the
thumbnail to see the actual full size image. Once the large one has been viewed, click "Back" on your browser to return to this page.



Card #1 (Elephant) |
Card #2 (The Camel) |
Card #9 (Kayak*) |
* - Kayak is card #9 in the red topline variation and for a few rare black topline cards but is card #10 for the bulk of the black topline variation.
Series 12 The Space Age
These images have been reduced to a thumbnail to save you time in loading them. Click the thumbnail to see the actual
full size image. Once the large one has been viewed, click "Back" on your browser to return to this page.



Card #11 Solar Telescope) |
Card #24 3rd Stage Separation) |
Card #44 Binary Star) |
This is my second favorite series. These space cards are great for getting the imagination going.
When I completed my first set of Space cards, the #11 Solar Telescope was one of the last cards I needed. Even when I see the card today, it excites me
as a special card to me. That is what makes this hobby fun, the individual experiance. I needed that card and searched for it for quite a while and had
a true sense of satisfaction when I got it.
Last modified: January 4, 2022